Our Team

Board of Directors

Arezou Bagan is the volunteer Board President and Founder of Voice of Iran, WA. She is a recognized human rights activist in Washington state. In October 2022, she founded the Voice of Iran. VOI has since become a leading organization documenting human rights violations in Washington state, and building coalitions to amplify the voice of people of Iran and support human rights. She was recognized by Legislative District 48 Democrats in Washington State as the “ Democracy Champion” because of her tireless fight to raise awareness against the theocratic dictatorship of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

Born in Iran, Bagan came to the United States in 2001 with her family and studied social studies.

Karla Mohtashemi is the volunteer Board Chair and Marketing Director of Voice of Iran WA. She is the CEO of Healthitude LLC, owner of Avalon (private) gym, and co-founder of Healthitude Wild Adventure Club. Healthitude LLC is a holistic coaching business that empowers through health, fitness, art, and community, fostering well-being and positive impact. As opportunities arose, Karla volunteered as a Girl Scout Leader, Girl Scouts Media director and other Leadership roles in local Girl Scouts, Block Watch co-captain, Founder/choreographer and Director of Aviation High School’s Ballroom Dance Team, and currently also holds a position on the Seattle Thrillers Board of directors. When Mahsa Amini was murdered, her daughter asked if we could begin attending rallies in the greater Seattle area, to support the uprising in Iran. Half of their family still resides in Iran. After meeting Arezou, Karla was struck by her passion and commitment. She and her daughter have been by Arezou’s side since that moment. Karla believes that the mission of Voice of Iran is the most important mission of this century.

Payam Fotouhi – bio and photo coming

A fourth silent board member who shall remain nameless is the Treasurer.

Advisory Board: Hamid Jamshidiat

Team Leads

  • Communications and PR Lead: Volunteers are welcome to apply here.
  • Marketing Lead: Karla Mohtashemi
  • Fundraising Lead: Kat Vivareli
  • Fundraising co-lead, Marketing and Instagram: Negin Javidan
  • Advocacy Lead: Ali Nassersaid
  • Youth Program: Volunteers will not include names, due to the sensitivity of our work.