Mahsa Day (September 16) and the Beginning of an Uprising
The Iranian revolutionary uprising “Woman, Life, Freedom” is a recent movement that began in 2022 in response to the increasing oppression of women in Iran. This uprising is led by women of all ages and backgrounds, and it is calling for an end to compulsory dress codes, gender equality, and elimination of political repression.
This uprising was sparked by the death of Jîna Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman who was arrested for not “properly” wearing a headscarf. Amini died while in custody on September 16, 2022; and her death sparked public outrage all over Iran. Women began taking to the streets to protest compulsory dress codes specifically and the Islamic Republic’s treatment of women in general. The resulting revolutionary uprising has been challenging the patriarchal structures of Iranian society, by giving women a voice to speak out against their oppression.
Although this uprising has been met with severe crackdown by the Iranian government, that has already resulted in the murder and execution of hundreds of Iranians and the imprisonment of tens of thousands, it has not been deterred as many continue taking to the streets, while daily using social media to spread their message despite the Iranian government’s action in blocking media sites and in slowing down or turning off the Internet.
The Woman, Life, Freedom uprising in Iran is inspired by other feminist revolutions around the world, such as the Women’s Liberation Movement of 1848–1920 (first wave), 1960s and 1970s (second wave) and 1990s—present (third wave) feminism movements in the United States, all showing that women can achieve great things when they come together and fight for their rights; and it has demonstrated a great potential to be a major force for change in Iran. Despite the government’s efforts to suppress this uprising, it has continued to grow and strengthen. This revolutionary movement has already made significant progress in raising awareness in Iran and all over the world on the issue of basic human rights to life, freedom and gender equality, while empowering Iranian women and men to speak out against their oppression.
As this uprising approaches its first anniversary on September 16, it is important to remember the sacrifices that have been made by Iranians who have fought for their own freedom. It is also important to look to the future and to imagine a world where all are free to live their lives without fear of discrimination and violence, as well as political arrests, imprisonment, torture, rape, and executions.
The Woman, Life, Freedom uprising is a revolutionary movement that has left a profound legacy of bravery that the world has not seen in modern times. Hundreds of thousands of unarmed protesters — men and women, young and old, rich and poor — have been pouring into the streets. Brutal security forces have killed hundreds, but Iranians have kept protesting month after month.
According to the Javan Daily, a conservative newspaper affiliated with IRGC, “93% of the protesters are no older than 25.”18
Woman, Life, Freedom is a revolutionary movement that has the potential to have a great impact on democratic uprisings all over the developing world, and it stands out in its focus on women’s rights compared to other revolutions in history. It is also unique in its use of social media. Despite the government’s crackdown on social media and the Internet, this movement has been able to use social media to spread its message and connect with women all over the world. This has helped give this revolutionary uprising a global reach, and made it more difficult for the Iranian government to censor it.
The Woman, Life, Freedom uprising is a sign of the growing discontent with the Islamic Republic’s rule. This uprising is challenging the government’s patriarchal ideology and its repressive policies towards women. The movement is also demanding an end to the country’s economic problems and its political corruption.
On September 16, 2023, the world will mark the first anniversary of the Woman, Life, Freedom uprising. This is a day to celebrate the progress that has already been made, but it is also a day to remember the work that still needs to be done. The Woman, Life, Freedom movement is a revolutionary uprising that is still unfolding, and it is an uprising that has the potential for positively impacting the political, social and economic democracies throughout the world.
Aside from calling for gender equality and rights, the Woman, Life, Freedom uprising is also calling for the right to
- free speech and assembly,
- judicial equality and fair trials under law,
- access to education and employment,
- full participation in government, and
- a free life in a secular democratic society.
There may be a perception that this uprising has greatly slowed down, given that it is not much covered in Western news media. However, it should be noted that absence of news is not evidence of absence!
Reasons that the current revolutionary uprising in Iran is not covered as much in Western news media include:
- lack of interest of corporate media in Western democracies in covering this uprising because such news may not fit the interest of their viewers, owners, and advertisers; and
- difficulties getting accurate information about the Iranian revolutionary uprising, given the Iranian government’s tight control over news media and the many limitations imposed on journalistic freedom in Iran.
Some have raised concerns about the length of time it has taken so far for this revolutionary uprising to come to fruition. In historical contexts, however, revolutions usually take several years to lead to regime change. A few examples are:
- American Revolution (1765–1783). The war between Britain and 13 of its North American colonies lasted for 8 years, resulting in independence of the United States.
- French Revolution (1789–1799). A period of radical, political, and social change in France, this revolution overthrew the absolute monarchy and established a republic.
- Islamic Revolution in Iran (1978–1979) was then a popular uprising that overthrew the authoritarian monarchy of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. This revolution, facilitated by then governments of the United States and Britain, took a little over 1 year and resulted in the establishment of an Islamic and dictatorial, criminal and corrupt so-called republic in Iran.
The ongoing nationwide protests that have been rocking Iran for months reveal the extent of dissatisfaction within the Islamic Republic of Iran amongst Iran’s biggest section of the population, those under age 25–30. However, the details about establishing a constitution based on a secular, democratic government will be decided in the post-revolutionary phase and is not the focus of people currently.
The vast majority of Iranians have been increasingly struggling with basic needs for food, water, dwelling and environmental justice in an inflationary society with high unemployment. This situation has greatly threatened Iranians’ lives and wellbeing. Such a situation is not sustainable, and it is bound to eventually bear fruit, with or without effective assistance from Western democracies.
The nationwide protests that rocked Iran for months reveal the extent of dissatisfaction within the Islamic Republic and that Iran’s biggest section of the population, the young, will not allow the clerics to rob their future. Indeed, the regime looks increasingly like it is living on borrowed time.
Tags: mahsaamini, mahsaday, voiceofiranwa, womanlifefreedom
The world should support this revolution
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